Title/Author: Sea Glass (Glass #2) by Maria V. Snyder
Publisher/Year Published: Harlequin Teen in 2010
How I got it: I own it :)
Why I read it: I read the first one earlier this week and liked it. Besides, I have a hard time not only not finishing a book, but also not finishing a series (I always want to know what comes next).
After becoming aware of her new ability, Opal Cowan is scared of what the Council will think of it. She's almost certain they will view her as a threat, so she decides to take a detour and search for Ullrick first, since she believes he's being held against his will. It all gets just a bit more complicated when bad guys turn into good buys and the other way around. With all the plotting going around, Opal doesn't know who to trust anymore. When she tries to tell the Council an evil form of magic, blood magic, isn't exterminated and no one believes her, what's she supposed to do? That's right, rebel in full force!
Opal manages yet again to land herself in various lifethreathening situations. I love that we got to know her better and that we got to spend more time with Kade, who is just dreamy.
I'll have to admit, I'm a bit obsessed with Kade, he's a new book crush, let me tell you how I picture him:

Add golden streaks in his hair and this background and picture him in a bubble of calm in the middle:

Lovely right?
So was the book, Opal stays a lovable characters, even though she goes through a lot of changes in this book. Sometimes I felt Opal was a bit too sarcastic. I can't believe I'm saying this, I love sarcasm! But the line '-Insert emotion, like jealous- Who, me?' kept coming back a bit too often for my taste. That said, the author didn't let me down with this sequel to Storm Glass and I'm very excited to be moving on to Spy Glass!
Also, I loved the cover, perfectly captures the feel of the book.
My rating: 4.5 stars.
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