Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the other blog I participate in:
The Broke and the Bookish. Head on over and join in on the fun!
This week's Top Ten:
Top Ten Books I Bought Because of their Covers!
I think we ALL know the saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover', but well, EVERYONE does. And it's no wonder, since it's the first thing you see, so if the cover is horrendous or boring, it probably won't draw your attention enough to pick it up. Besides, it doesn't look as good on your shelf ;)
These are all books I own as physical copies, most of them haven't been read yet... But the cover was too pretty to resist :) (let's pretend it's the cover and not my out-of-control book-buying habit)
1. Queen Victoria, Demon Hunter by A.E. Moorat: both the cover and the title are pleasing. I LOVE the idea of the proper Victoria hunting demons in her spare time and I really enjoyed this book!
2. The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin: this cover left me staring: THE PRETTY!! WANT! Without even knowing what it was about. And then I fell in love with the story as well, WIN! The other two books in the series have very pretty covers as well :)
3. The Fool's Girl by Celia Rees: I don't know exactly why, but I really like this cover.
4. Matched by Ally Condie: the cover is so pretty and shiny and the green just works!
5. Entangled by Cat Clarke: the red hair! I do hope the girl in the book turns out to have red hair as well, else I'll be annoyed.
6. Divergent by Veronica Roth: I don't know exactly what that is floating above the city, but it's PRETTY! (looks like fire, am I wrong?)
7. The Glass Demon by Helen Grant: SO PRETTY! And glittery! In real life even prettier than the picture.
8. Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman: I'm loving it, the pretty red shoe on the marble, WIN!
9. Daughters of Rome by Kate Quinn: I really like the contrast between the red and white dress the girls have on and well, it says Rome right there on the cover. LOVE books about ancient Rome.
10. Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergren: it's pretty dark, but I like it. Makes me want to grab it and read and get lost in the story!
So, what about you? Oh, and except for the first two, I haven't read any of these, so which one should be bumped up on the list?
Awesome picks!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top Ten Books I've Bought because of the cover!
#2! Castles on the cover are pretty much a win for me, too.
ReplyDeletePretty covers for the win!
I think that though a bad cover won't affect me too much, a good cover does!
I admit I love the cover for Matched so I read the book even though I don't like dystopia. :D
HAHAHA your number one is so awesome!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was tempted to buy Queen Victoria because of the cover, but for once I stopped to read the blurb and decided against it. I didn't mind the P&P&Zombies one but I wasn't sure about this.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the covers for Entangled and Daughters of Rome! I love the cover for Matched too but I got it because I found the premise interesting ;)
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms was fantastic!! I have the third book coming in the mail but this reminds me I need to get started on the second book. Do you ever find that when you love a book, you hold off on reading the next one because it feels too much like eating TWO slices of triple chocolate fudge cake all at once? Like, too much of a good thing and you want to hold off and savour it, save it for later? My problem is then that I leave too much time in-between.
Here's my list!
Oooo great list Daisy! I definitely agree with 100K.
ReplyDeleteOh I bought Entangled for its cover, too! I had to order it from The Book Depository but I had to have it because I love the cover. And I bought Waterfall for the same reason, but I love that series. It's amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe cover for The Glass Demon is gorgeous. I hadn't seen it before or even heard of it. I'll have to check it out on Goodreads!
I do like the stark contrast on Daughters of Rome between the black, white and red. I am always partial to covers with just a touch of red that really stands out.
Great picks this week!