Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-A-Thon is here!! And I'm participating only a little...

It's that time of the season again: time for Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon!! I LOVE this event and I'm so sad that I will only get to participate for a couple of hours as I'm being social tonight and have to be at work at 8AM tomorrow morning, so I can't read through the night... *has lots of sads over this*

BUT! I hope you're all having fun and getting your read on, cause that's what it's all about :)

Happy read-a-thon-ing!


  1. It's about making the most of it. I also will be in and out! Enjoy!


  2. Aww, too bad you have plans tonight. Then might have the right idea! ;) I hope your day is going well!

    Jennifer~ Team Otter Cheerleader!
    The Relentless Reader

  3. YAY Daisy! Glad you could join in just a little at least :)

  4. It's great that you're going to participate even a little bit! Happy reading :)

  5. I hope you're able to find some time to read! And, have a great day, otherwise!

    Team Otter Cheerleader, Joy
    Joy's Book Blog
