Friday, August 17, 2012

Bout of Books 5.0 Update (3)

So I thought yesterday would be another day of FAILING the read-a-thon, but sometimes insomnia comes in handy :) It could also be that the book I'm reading is just SO ADDICTING! Gah, I just love Sophie Jordan's historical romances... :)

Time read: about 45 minutes
Books finished: 0
Evaluation: doing ALL THE THINGS at work and also needing some boyfriend time left me without much reading time...

Time read: about 30 minutes
Books finished: 0
Evaluation: doing ALL THE THINGS at work again, between getting home at 8PM and having to go to a birthday party at 9PM I didn't have much time to breathe, let alone read..

Time read: 3-4 hours
Books finished: 1 (HOORAY)
Evaluation: doing some of the things at home, but managed to read as well :)

Time read: 3 hours
Books finished: 0
Evaluation: doing ALL THE THINGS at work and only managed to read so much because of the epicness of the book combined with a bout of insomnia cause it's really hot here (Summer has finally arrived, YAY!)

How are you all doing?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you were able to squeeze some more reading time in, even if it's cause you couldn't sleep! Yay!
